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    Subjects' Dream Journal

    1. 6-19-2013 Football

      by , 06-20-2013 at 12:41 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      Left 4 Dead:
      I'm on the back of my farm, and i'm with my sister and maybe my dad, hard to remember. Anyway, everything is covered in snow and my sister wants to explore so i lead them into the woods. As we go into a Radio tower like building , the concept of the dream changes to L4d2
      ( a video game ). Before i know it, i'm in an abandoned operating room and we accidentally summon a tank ( a really big zombie ). So we run back to the starting area and complete the mission just in time by turning in a ticket of some sort.

      I'm inside the garage of my house. I apparently signed up for football
      (american football, and no, i would never do this irl, i hate football xD ). But either way, the team is practicing in my garage, i'm #19. I tell the coach i don't know how to play and he looks angry. Next thing i know, The team is at a track. The track has a lot of buildings around it and inside the track ring. We are practicing running. I start running and see one of my friends. I have some weird conversation with him. As i'm running, i notice i don't even have to think about it, my body is automatically running, pretty cool!.

      After i run a lap, i hear a warning for a coming storm, it then starts to rain. I walk by the buildings at the track center. I look inside a place that's about to take off, i see people and wonder what they're thinking. I also look into a medical building and see a man that's about to die of a heart attack, he smiles at me, his jaw has been crushed somehow but i admire him for his ability to smile at death. I then decide to leave in a plane to, so i go into the airport but find i can't get a ticket because i have been accused of hacking security or something. I'm kicked out of the airport. So i then go outside and talk to a witch (A special infected from left 4 dead , Hmm geez, lots of left 4 dead, kinda odd ) i'm apparently dating her, but i come back with a flashlight and the light kills her and then i loot her body. ( so much for that relationship xD ).
    2. 6-17-2013 Jazz concert, Economics, and camping

      by , 06-17-2013 at 08:55 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      Time: I went to bed at around 12:05 AM, but the last thing i remember was my clock saying 2:54. So...hopefully what happened was i fell asleep and woke up at that time. Either way, my final awakening was at about 10:54 AM

      Jazz Concert:
      Summary: I'm in my living room with my music instructors. The background section is on one side of the room while the rest of the band is on the other. One of our instructors tells us we have a concert so i start to get my concert clothes on. All the others already have them so they head out, this leaves me in there with one of the instructors. I get the clothes on and decide i want a drink so i pick up the nearest bottle and drink it, i set it down to find out it was some nasty unfiltered cleaning water or something.

      We all get on a bus. I decide it was somehow a good idea to take all my clothes off except for my underwear. We get to a mall, and we all get off. I walk around, we do some stuff, and then it's time to get back on the bus. We all stop in a crowded hallway before we get on, i then realize i only have my underwear on and start to get embarrassed. The band starts like dancing and i'm sitting there with my hands over my face. One of the instructors asks me what's wrong, i say nothing.

      This is now the point where i realize i have no music. Thankfully, we go back to my house on the way to the concert. I get my music but now they left without me. Next thing i know, i'm a foreign person complaining about video games outside. Then after that, i find myself walking along a gravel road on my farm, Me and this person get attacked by a monkey and it jumps on the other person, so i try to kick it off. It then comes after me but i stand and yell at it, it seems to stop. After it goes away, i notice i have a huge spider on my hand and instantly wake up.

      Time: Logged at 7:20

      I arrive to a classroom. I'm apparently taking an economics class. The teacher isn't actually there so we have a substitute and he's very strict. I remember i leave the class to go do something and when i get back, the whole class is like cleaning the school. So much for learning anything.

      I'm outside on the garage floor, sleeping in a U.S military modular sleeping bag, while i'm in it. My grandfather decides to launch a firework at me and burn a hole in my sleeping bag. I instantly get up, like seriously? SERIOUSLY?!! why would he burn a hole in that >_<. This is where the scene changes, i'm now in a mountainous snowy place, i get up and bring the sleeping bag to a shack my father is in to complain. However he just sits there and trolls me with stupid remarks. i shot some mean things and leave. Next thing i know i'm waiting in a line wrestling this kid. Then all of a sudden, the snow melts and the ice rises. my view goes into third person and i see myself jumping between each glacier climbing up the hill before everything collapses. I make it. I find myself with other people. The dream then turns into a video game and ends with one of my team mates blowing themselves up.

      Time: Both economics and camping were logged at about 10:54
    3. 6-13-2013 Urban Nightmare

      by , 06-13-2013 at 11:44 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      So far, i've died plenty of times in dreams. I count a death as anything that happens in a dream that would kill me in real life. Most of the time, Dying doesn't scare me much at all. With that said, not many dreams i have manage to give me a good scare. However, there are rare dreams that for some reason, really scare my dream self. The dream i logged last night managed to scare me decently, it was a pretty neat experience xD.

      Urban Nightmare:
      Dream Summary: I go to some city, it's a very bad part of the city, it's nasty looking. It's also located by the coast. I go there because my friend invited me. I get there, we're on some grassy hill right on the outskirts of the city, i'm with a lady and so is my friend. Me and my friend decide to head back to his house. My friend's girlfriend goes with us, the lady that was with me stays there.

      We get to my friends house and we start watching the news. We see on the news something about a girl getting raped by two guys, or maybe it was the girl raping the two guys, i really can't remember. Either way, it was the girl i was just with. This wouldn't freak me out in waking life but my dream self got really disturbed by it, the fact that i was just there and i could have easily gotten caught up in it.

      The next thing we see is a man with a mask, it's security camera footage. The man is at one of those power generating areas ( my knowledge of electrical engineering is little to none so stick with me while i attempt to describe the place, the place is a caged in area with lots of transformers and things that generate electricity, it's not like a power plant or anything but an area that generates power for a small town ). The man has bolt cutters and the footage shows him cutting something which then causes the transformers to not function properly, causing a loss of power and an explosion of light.

      This really freaks my dream self out, i start thinking that the town is being sabotaged by bandits and everything is about to go to hell. My friend for some reason then gets on something similar to google maps and we see in real time, another electric area being sabotaged, and it's one near us. This utterly scares my dream self, i had to get out of there now and prepare. I leave and start walking down the city slums. No one is in the streets, i hear gun shots in the distance. I start trying to get out of there fast.

      I make my way to some chinese food place and attempt to call my mom for a pickup. She doesn't answer but thankfully my dad is conveniently already waiting outside. I get in the car and start telling him all these horrible things as we drive back to our house. We get a mile away and my dad gets out, apparently, he's going to walk there so he doesn't lead anyone to our house. As it turns out, there was about 4 people in our car listening to me as i described my situation. My dad also treats the 4 people as if he knew them as friends, is everyone i know against me?

      Those 4 people now know my situation and basically where i live. That worried me. The dream ended as i walked up my driveway after the 4 people went their separate ways.

      Thoughts: I thought this was a pretty cool dream. It's even cooler by the fact that today in waking life i saw on the news a power line getting hit. There could be some connection. Also, i like how the dream seems to hint at being aware of who you trust and protecting your privacy.

      Tree top Music: In this short dream, i climbed a really tall tree and tried to play air guitar at the top while hanging on to branches. This scared me, i mean, this is so dangerous, climbing a tree and pretending to play a guitar at the top. I thought i would totally fall and break something.

      Military Recruit: So in this one, i joined the military. My first mission was to go with a friend, who is also in the military, and protect this girl. We get to this like bonfire at night, the girl is with us. The girl goes and sits by the fire. Me and my friend sit on each side of her. We have batons made of Ice but they don't melt. I quickly get bored and go to hang out with the other people there. However, when i get back to like camp, a higher ranking officer takes our ice batons and splits them open. My friend's baton is melted on the inside, mine isn't. The point of the mission was to see if we followed orders. The batons didn't melt on the outside but they did on the inside. The fire caused the melting.

      Oculus rift demo: Me, my brother, and maybe our parents are at this convention thing i think. It's indoors. I walk around and eventually find an oculus rift and people can pick it up and try it out. (the oculus rift is like a virtual reality gaming headset that is in development, call me immature but i want one really bad, they look so cool! xD ). So i pick up the rift and i'm seeing things as if i were in a video game, and i start playing, it's really fun.

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:06 AM by 63517

      dream fragment , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. 6-09-2013 Stupid friends

      by , 06-09-2013 at 11:04 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side notes.

      Stupid Friends
      Time: Logged at 6:02 AM, around 6 hours after falling asleep, first dream remembered.

      Dream Summary:I'm rooming at some temple place out in the woods, a bunch of my classmates are there. A bus pulls up, it's mid day, We all load up some stuff for the trip we're about to take and get on. The bus stays in place for a good two hours getting ready. While we are waiting, me and a group of friends all get on some phone game and start playing. The goal of the game is to play different games and earn in-game money which can then be used to upgrade your village. As i'm in-game, i play some sort of game on a very hard difficulty setting, i run through avoiding the enemies and compete the mission. I do this one more time but this time, the mission is harder but i complete it and earn a massive amount of in-game cash, like really massive, enough to practically buy every thing the in-game shop has to offer. However, in order to protect your in-game character from losing the money you earned, you have to deposit it in a bank. I go to do this, but as i do this, my friends all say they want to play in-game volleyball. This absolutely pisses me off because i was forced to play and lost all of my money. I mean seriously, what in the heck. It would of taken all of like 2 seconds to deposit cash, only two seconds! but no, my friends are impatient so i had no choice. The bus is still stopped, so i walk outside and pee by a tree (the temple is out in the woods so i can go to the bathroom where i want ). I'm furious so i sit there and pee for like a straight minute, i'm even more angry at the fact my friend brought his girlfriend out and started talking to her close to the place i was peeing. What a showoff bastard.

      Eventually, we get back on the bus, this time it's leaving. As we travel down the road, my backpack falls out of the bus as we cross into another road, i'm panicking . Now my backpack is sitting on a road that connects the two roads, I think hopefully that it may stay there. But nope, a giant cargo truck comes through, the backpack gets stuck on the truck front and whats worse is that the truck is going in the opposite direction and away from our temple home. I'm setting in my bus sit and i can't even say a word, my face is just full of disbelief and shock. First i lost my money and now my backpack, the only emotion that went on at the moment was: F*CK!. My anger was through the roof.

      The bus gets to a temporary stop, and somehow but luckily my mom is there and she has her car. I grab one of those fold out plastic lightsabers. ( my plan was to reach out the window and scoop my backpack up with the end of the lightsaber when we got close to the truck, not that it would ever work though... D: ). However, my mom says she hears noises outside. It's night so i can't really see much. However, i hear the sounds that the predators make. (hopefully you all know what im talking about, the sound the predator made from the movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger). It's night but i can still make out shapes and believe it or not, it's those damn bobcats from last nights dream. At this moment, i was feeling this: "You have to be kidding me " And that's how it ended.

      My thoughts: This dream really pissed me off. It was pretty cool though, seeing how my emotions could be like that, even in a non-lucid dream. Makes me want to try to lucid dream even more.
    5. 6-08-2013 Three movie trilogy

      by , 06-08-2013 at 05:19 PM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid , Side Notes.

      Fragment #1: I remember something about snowy flat lands, a fortress, a girl and some sort of point system.

      Fragment #2: I remember being on a sandy beach talking about dreams

      Bed Camping: So i'm in a field at night with a couple of friends, and we're camping on a bed... And we start to hear weird noises. I take my Ultrafire flashlight out and turn it on (it works! but instead of being like my Ultrafire, it now has the intensity of a small red flashlight D: but it works nonetheless and i can see) I shine the flashlight across the field and see a ton of caribou (i think that's spelled right, the deer looking animals). They are just standing all around our little camp site. I decide it's now a nice time to get out of here so i start to collect my things when my friend says "Baraka!" I think he was trying to say barracuda but either way, i shine my light over to where he is looking and i see a bobcat, my other friend starts screaming and that causes the bobcat to start attacking us. My two friends get on atv's and get out of there but this leaves me with no way out but running D: and this is where i wake up.

      Part 1, Fugitive: I think i remember either killing some one or stealing something, either way, my dream self is on the run from the law. My dream self also happens to be blind in this dream , my eyes are kind of rotting out but i can still see so i don't pay much attention to it. Anyway, there's a huge shopping mall on this big farm, i'm running away from the mall and into the woods. I think i remember being chased and i somehow decide to turn around as i get somewhat deep in the woods in the direction i'm going which is south (mall is north). So i go back north to the mall and go east. I go through some woods and get to a canyon mountain place, there seems to be a military base on top of these rocky hills. I'm almost spotted so i turn north and climb around the small mountain, i find some gear and manage to make a spear. I then continue north towards the treeline. As i make my way back north, i find myself approaching the mall again....? I decide to go south back into the woods. I go south and then west a little and find myself at this abandoned house. It's now night time. i go into the house and look out the window back at where i came from. I see a trailer with people in it, it's a group of about 4-5 people. Their heights are all mixed, some are tall, some are short, one was a girl. Their age may have varied too. They are also all wearing crowns on their heads. I start to get a strange feeling of fear, my dream self thinks these people have some sort of super powers and are very dangerous. They notice me and i duck down, i then think i remember hearing a knocking at the door, i use my spear and kill the person on the other side. Next thing i know, i hear police approaching so i run as fast as i can. Yet again, i end up back at the farm with the mall, except this time i'm by the house which is east of the mall. I walk over to the fence and see a boy and a man talking. Even though i may be captured or they may report the police i walk over anyway. I introduce myself to the boy, his eyes are rotting out too, and he looks like he's on the verge of death. I then head back south into the same woods for the third time but it's getting dark and machines with bright lights are tearing away the woods looking for me. I dodge a machine and get into the woods, i won't last long here. I eventually get trapped and decide to hide in a bush, however, people in suits find me, the lights are very bright, i can't see their faces and i wake up.

      Part 2, Killing machine: This dream seems to have the same beginning plot as the last dream except this time, instead of running, i'm literally gunning my way through the mall that was mentioned in the last dream. I have a rifle and shotgun. I battle on the bottom floor of the mall for quite some time. I'm killing creatures that look as if they came from Left 4 dead. After it's safe enough, i make my way to the second floor of the mall, i'm in an enclosed room , i see luffy from one piece in this room, He doesn't threaten me and eventually makes his way out of the room. I also see a survivor from my battle downstairs so i freak out and shoot him with the shotgun and then somehow set the room on fire. The fire forces me to leave. Next thing i remember i'm in a gun store at the north most end of the mall, i gear up and then i proceed to make my way into the last room at the end of the mall but metal detectors some how have forcefields connected to them now so i jump over the metal detectors guarding the room. This is all i can remember of this dream.

      Part 3, Movie time: This dream also has the same beginning as the first dream. Except this time, i find out that this dream and the past dreams were all nothing but movies i made for a class and the different dreams were different edits i did to see which movie plot i liked better. In this one, it's sort of hard to remember but i think i somehow blasted the mall into space with me on it, i then traveled to the outside mall wall and shot something which causes the mall to fall back down to earth. I then quickly traveled to another dimension and fought the spirits of the mall as it was crashing back down. When it got there, i remember waking up and traveling to the north end of the mall, it was mostly destroyed, it was night out and the police were coming to arrest me. I looked around at the moderate sized pit created from the crash. I then remember the movie award being given to a friend and me getting second place. I was mad but there was nothing i could do, i was wounded and the police were coming. Sounds strange since it was a movie but i guess it was a mix of both.

      Updated 08-06-2013 at 02:06 AM by 63517

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
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